Dealing With a Non-Disclosure Reality
In this thought provoking presentation, Marshall Summers discusses the dangers of dealing with a non-disclosure reality. Marshall emphasizes the need for disclosure of the non-human
Marshall regularly speaks and teaches on topics ranging from the practical to the mysterious, from the personal to the universal, from freeing ourselves from self-obsession to understanding God’s intention for our world and our lives.
In this thought provoking presentation, Marshall Summers discusses the dangers of dealing with a non-disclosure reality. Marshall emphasizes the need for disclosure of the non-human
In this 2006 MUFON presentation, Marshall delves into the reality of life in the universe and its significance in our daily lives. He shares the
Marshall points to the truth of our time on Earth, comparing the history of conquest and colonization to the present day alien invaders. A clip
Much of the speculation that has occurred around contact with other forms of intelligent life has projected, I think, a set of ideas which we
In this MUFON keynote speech clip, Marshall calls out the non-military invasion of ET races on our planet and their pursuit of resources. Within his
Marshall Vian Summers presents in a 2005 MUFON conference on the extraterrestrial presence and its connection to events in the world. This talk is being
Perhaps you look up at the sky on a clear and beautiful night and you feel that home is out there. A relationship is out
We have this hidden reality in our world that’s actually monumental. We think of it as peripheral to our interests and even to the major
The things I will speak of are things that are really important in clarifying this picture and separating it from the tremendous amount of confusion
We think an intervening force is a grand armada of ships that is going to come and just destroy the place. No. That’s not how
“Resources. Environment. In a new world reality, this is what really matters. Political theory and economic theory are all based on the stability of the
“To me, humility can be defined as a deeper hidden strength, not a behavior, not an attitude, not an appearance, not a performance, not a
The condition of the world has actually brought visitation and Intervention here. Why? Because worlds like ours are so rare in the universe. Beautiful terrestrial
All of us have been sent into the world at this time to be in the world under the very circumstances that we’re experiencing now.
It’s so important that we can begin to consider that we have a true purpose in being in the world, not a purpose that we
Resources. Environment. In a new world reality, this is what really matters. Political theory, economic theory is all based on the stability of the environment
The key thing here, the most important thing beyond any other thing we do for the world, is to know what you must do and
This is how God restores you, gives you clear eyes, freedom from the past. This is how God cleanses your mind and your heart and
How God regards you is so very different from how you regard yourself and others. And throughout the Revelation is this regard for you, that
The great fire storms of the world, the great hurricanes of the world, the changing climate and weather patterns of the world—we’ve changed this world
Many people out there have felt the approach of great change in the world, felt disturbed by it, concerned by it, concerned that people around
Marshall Vian Summers has released a new, never before heard teaching called “The Upheaval,” and during the month of September, he invites you to study
To me, humility can be defined as a deeper hidden strength, not a behavior, not an attitude, not an appearance, not a performance, not a
There are three elements to what really matters, essentially, when you boil everything down: what you do, what you serve and why you serve. What
God gives you authority over your affairs, yet God has authority over your direction. So the authority is shared, you see, at different levels. And
What’s really holding you back are people, work, place and things. You have relationships with all these things that are very predominating in your life.
So the process of unburdening is about letting go of things that are unnecessary, harmful or meaningless. Many activities that we do physically and many
The world is a hospital full of sick people. And when you’re in the hospital, you don’t get angry for the people being sick; you
I just want to emphasize that problems is a part of life and living in the physical reality. Whether you avoid problems, welcome problems, or
You’re losing energy every day. Why do you feel so tired? Why the lack of motivation? Why the lack of inspiration, the lack of your
I found that the second time I did Steps to Knowledge, it was a very challenging thing on one Step, and I apparently missed it
To be stable in a changing world, you have all four of these Pillars: Relationships; Health; Work; Spiritual development, which is really your connection to
Reality is everything that is happening beyond your thoughts and beliefs. No matter what you think, that’s all happening. And to get real in the
For the part of you that lives in the Mystery needs the part of you that lives in Separation, so that it can give its great gifts to the world through you. And the part of you that’s living in Separation needs the part of you that is living in the Mystery, so you can give your true gifts to the world
Your assessment must be ongoing; it’s not like a once in a while thing. And if you’re going to navigate a radically changing world, you
You almost have to know and want the truth beyond comfort and consolation. You have to have a need for it. “I need this. I
People come here with what I think of as binky beliefs. Binky beliefs. A binky is a pacifier. It’s what you give a baby to
Many people out there have felt the approach of great change in the world, have felt disturbed by it, concerned by it, concerned that people
Ambivalence is the thing that deflates you. It’s where the lights go out in you. It’s where you stop. Not sure. How do I know?
You Need Greater Strength for a World of Great Changes Facing a world of tremendous change and upheaval will require a greater Intelligence to guide
We all start out being dependent as infants, children, young adults. Some people never grow out of that; then their relationships are based on dependence.
So that’s my message for tonight—purpose and destiny. And this is what saves you in the end because as long as you can bridge that gap within your lifetime, in a meaningful way
There’s some spiritual teaching out there in the world that really emphasizes just living for the moment as a kind of way to escape anxiety and fearfulness and regret.
The journey to a greater service means that you’re called to give something, not necessarily what you want to give, but what the situation calls for from you.
Pure Religion is really an arena of resolution because when you see that real spirituality and religion is based on experience and not on ideology, not on belief—belief does play a role, but it’s only to be helpful, not to be the ultimate because there are no ultimate beliefs.
Why Is war waged in the name of religion? Why does religion become what it has become over time? And even in present time, where in certain parts of the world there is real war waged in its name? We’re still living in this religion-as-war state.
Religion is important, particularly in giving people a beginning structure within which to work, which includes a spiritual practice, a spiritual understanding, hopefully a very beneficial way of looking at the world a new understanding of yourself and the fact that you’re here evolving spiritually, that you’re not merely a sinner that is trying to please God so you’ll be saved.
There is a greater power living within you. This greater power needs to be utilized for decisive action, action that will move your life in the direction it is destined to go.
The majority of our authentic learning is happening within the realm of relationships. By ourselves, we can only do so much, for we cannot see ourselves totally or clearly.
The change that must be forged in the next century and indeed in the centuries to come—for it will take several hundred years to bring
Part of us is living in separation in the sensory world—the world we can see and hear and touch—and part of us is still living connected to Heaven, a timeless Creation.
The crisis can be experienced if you ask yourself: “Am I living the life I know I was meant to live? Am I living the life I know I was meant to live? Or am I being consumed by the world?” People who are really suffering are living this crisis.
How will climate change impact people? Humanity is changing the chemistry of the Earth’s climate to such an extent that the world must adapt to
https://youtu.be/XeA5rfxG-HM In this teaching from the 2019 Steps to Knowledge vigil, Marshall discusses how spirituality is more about movement in life than having high spiritual
So fundamentally, relationships are what you can do together—not the glory of recognition, not the intoxication of romance. It’s what you can do together. That’s what’s
Instead of having a relationship determine where you need to go and what you need to do, you need to find out where you need
When humanity begins to wake up to what is happening in our world, in our lives, we have the power to drive this away, not
To consider a relationship with somebody, you would really want to know how they respond to failure, challenge and disappointment, wouldn’t you? Because that’s what
So…people will ask, Why is this (alien invasion) happening now? Why not a hundred years ago or 30 years ago? Why now? Well, there are
Purpose is not what you want to do. It isn’t what you want to do. “Oh, I’ve always wanted to do this,” to follow your
I’d like to talk about power now in the universe. To us, power is still technology and physical resources; military might; gold mines; the latest
The romantic ideal is so inflated and so potent in people’s minds is that they’re going to try to fill the void of living in
If you want to talk about spirituality, let’s not talk about peace and ascension. Let’s talk about service in the world. We’ve all been sent
Determining Life Partnership If you find yourself being very attracted to someone and you have an opportunity to be with that person, this is part
The importance of learning The Way of Knowledge is that who you are is not your social mind, the mind that has been created and
God has put the perfect guiding Intelligence within us. Be you religious or not, whatever your faith tradition or no faith tradition, it is there
We need to know what is happening right on the surface of our world regarding our encounter with life in the universe. That’s what we
So I’m here today to speak about this deeper Intelligence, this mysterious force that lives within us beyond the realm of our intellect, beyond the
The New Message says that we have a relationship with everything: every possession we own, our house, our car, our phone, our clothes, our pets. Any object
There are three basic requirements for freedom in the universe. There’s unity. There’s self-sufficiency. And there’s discernment and discretion, which go together. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=p-IFCRXD64c This video is excerpted from
There are four fundamental activities of the [secret extraterrestrial] Intervention, and the Allies of Humanity Briefings deal with this in great detail, which I cannot
I think the journey is something we’re already in. The New Message talks about the journey tremendously, in great detail, stages of the journey, problems
The Allies say no one should be visiting you, absolutely, for any reason. All they can do is send you information that might be helpful
Who you are is not your social mind, the mind that has been created and influenced since the day you were born. And the deeper
We don’t really know where we are in this journey. You can’t really say, “I’m at a higher level,” or “I’m at the ultimate level,”
Up until maybe 20 years ago, there was legitimate UFO research. But most of that research has been overtaken by conspiracy theories, which again turns
Regarding what we must do, there are some very important things here. The first step is awareness and education. Let us be aware that we
We have to approach this as beginners, no matter how much spiritual teaching you’ve responded to or been involved in, how much reading you may
You know, a lot of New Age thinking is very much from the [alien] Intervention. The idea that everything happens for a purpose—you never read
The Allies of Humanity are made up of individuals from several different worlds. Each of these worlds was overcome by intervention and in each of
Look at the history of intervention in our world. What happened to the native peoples who could not see or discern who was coming over the horizon in their tall ships?
Many people want to feel that the universe is a better place, that with technology comes enlightenment, higher ethics, higher standards. But we know from our experience here on Earth that is not the case at all.
It is necessary to understand that our spiritual development is tied directly to the evolution of the world. What is happening within you is directly connected to what is happening in the world.
Do not cast away any aspect of yourself or of your life but bring it into meaningful engagement. In this way, nothing is destroyed and
Said very simply, and this is an oversimplification, but there are three stages of knowing. One is recognizing the sign or the impulse. The sign may be on the outside; the impulse may be on the inside. You recognize something that really stands out; it’s not ordinary. It’s not your usual thing to recognize.
It is time now to speak of the Sacred—what is truly sacred, what must be revered, what must be recognized—and to see how it is
Before great events happen, there are signs. There is build up. Even if it is an earthquake, and it cannot be predicted, within yourself you
The next is regarding the things that are really important, time is of the essence. It is really important. In fact, the New Message says that time is nothing to God, but everything to you—the time that you have
We live life in the world as a worldly person trying to survive here, trying to function here, trying to navigate changing circumstances around us,
Follow those things you already know to do. Listen to your self-talk. Listen to what you say to yourself. “Oh, I know I need to
https://youtu.be/Uozdisz8vNI Marshall Vian Summers speaks about the development of skills that utilize the mind to respond to the world and face conflict, being in the
Set aside the question about “Who am I?” Set aside the question of “Why am I in the world?” Those are questions that must be
Religion has become a palliative. It has become a distraction more than an illumination. It has become something that people use to run away from
Your Higher Self is not a greater individual. It is part of the fabric and matrix of life operating in time and space. It
You can’t give your authority to God. There is no spiritual welfare here. You can’t wait for God to tell you what to do.
God does not create belief. God does not create ideology. God only gives you wisdom and clarity and a high standard to live by.
For nations to survive environmental decline in this world and increasing political and economic upheaval and difficulty, you will have to cooperate with each other.
We’re facing something that has never been faced by the people of the world as a whole before. And we’re all facing it. The world
I see conspiracy going into another level of generalization blindly denying the validity of governments and leaders and human institutions. I think this is very dangerous and unfortunate because…
We’re the native peoples now of this world. And we’ve only to look at the history of intervention in our world to see what
Humanity’s greatest moments are when it collaborates in the face of crisis. An earthquake in a country, a great flood in a country: nations provide
The Earth has been visited, watched and studied for a very long time. These visitations have been from a number of different races for different
Knowledge is the most powerful force in the universe because it’s eternal and it’s connected to God. If it’s eternal, you’re eternal—not like you
Power, wisdom and authority. You can’t give your authority to God. This is no spiritual welfare here. You can’t wait for God to tell
Humanity is emerging into a ‘Greater Community’ of intelligent life in the universe. Contact has begun with extraterrestrial forces from beyond the world. Yet this
We’re losing the livability of our environment. In many parts of the world, it will become too hot for people to live there. Where
Many people talk about great change in their lives, but really when great change happens, it is imperceptible. And you know that a great change
You must seek now a different kind of relationship with people who are undergoing a very similar process of awakening within themselves, people who are
It is not enough to believe in God. It is not enough to adhere to the teachings of your tradition, if you have a tradition. It is not enough to follow the prescriptions given in the scriptures. These things do not guarantee the true life…
As we stand at the end of the year now, I encourage everyone to do a year-end review for yourself, tracking the important events in
Any true religious and spiritual pathway begins with suffering and is clarified by suffering. To begin this pathway, one must honestly face their own suffering without blaming others.
Marshall spoke live to the Worldwide Community of the New Message on December 8, 2018: “The New Message is meant to speak to people a hundred years from now and 500 years from now. It’s not just for our time and at this moment…”
People often ask, “Will I find a true partner for myself?” This is a very common and understandable question.
“Will I have true companionship?” It is possible, but first you must seek something more important, for true companionship arises out of your purpose in life.
Steps to Knowledge, is a spiritual practice that represents both a path to God and a path of contribution in the world. It engages you in solving the two most fundamental questions in life: Who am I? and Why am I here?
Christmas represents the emergence of Knowledge—the natural spiritual intelligence in the individual. This is exemplified in the life of Jesus, who beyond his own understanding even, a Greater Power emerged within him, overtook his life.
Intervention is occurring in the world and has been here for decades—seeking to take advantage of human weakness, human assumption, human expectation— an Intervention by small exploratory extraterrestrial groups who are powerful in the powers of persuasion.
You came into this world with a plan intact for who you are to be here, what you are to accomplish, and the most important
Do not trust any spiritual teaching that does not emphasize your authority or that does not emphasize the reclamation of the deeper spiritual intelligence within
The human family must establish unity of purpose and gain a greater education about life in the universe. Unity and education will offset the intervention
You are not your mind. You are not your intellect. Who you are is not your thoughts. You are not your beliefs. You are not
Enter the Mystery. Enter the wilderness. Leave the paved roads of life, which represent the popular ideas and conventional thinking that people rely upon and
While it may be appropriate for an alien race to share with us their experience and wisdom from afar, it is not appropriate for alien
God is a pure experience of relationship because God is a pure experience of affinity. This is a pure experience of shared power. This
Have you ever asked yourself, “Why am I really here?” Perhaps in a moment of sadness, a moment of introspection or a moment of great
Your Higher Self is not a greater individual. It is part of the fabric and matrix of life operating in time and space. It is
Humanity, hear My words. We speak of a greater reality — a greater truth that lives within each person, a greater truth that cannot be
The change that must be forged in the next century and indeed in the centuries to come—for it will take several hundred years to bring
You are living in a dynamic world and in a dynamic universe. The world today is a different world than even your parents experienced, and
What matters in living in the world is stability and service and inspiration, problem solving, destiny—things of this nature, all of a higher order, not
Look at the stars in the sky, and ask yourself, “Why am I so drawn to this? Why is this of interest to me? What
Your purpose here is not self-created. It was given to you before you came. It was given to you by your Spiritual Family beyond this
Developing stillness is one of the essential qualities in healing, in spiritual evolvement and in practical problem solving. To achieve any degree of stillness
Spiritual Preparation for the Great Changes Ahead The great change that is coming to the world has everything to do with our spirituality. Our spiritual