Mindfulness: Time is of the Essence
The next is regarding the things that are really important, time is of the essence. It is really important. In fact, the New Message says that time is nothing to God, but everything to you—the time that you have
We Live Life at Two Different Levels
We live life in the world as a worldly person trying to survive here, trying to function here, trying to navigate changing circumstances around us, trying to find happiness or reprieve wherever we can. That’s 99% of our awareness, perhaps. There’s a deeper current of our life—representing who we were before we came into the […]
Follow What You Know You Must Do
Follow those things you already know to do. Listen to your self-talk. Listen to what you say to yourself. “Oh, I know I need to do this. I know I need to do that.” But you’re not doing it. So why would anything new be given to you if you’re not already doing what you […]
Skills to Re-employ the Mind
https://youtu.be/Uozdisz8vNI Marshall Vian Summers speaks about the development of skills that utilize the mind to respond to the world and face conflict, being in the world in the new way. Recorded on March 16th, 2019 in Boulder, Colorado. Transcript: So we’re in the process now of learning skills. And I’m much more interested in this […]
Set Aside the Question: “Who Am I?”
Set aside the question about “Who am I?” Set aside the question of “Why am I in the world?” Those are questions that must be answered by reaching a certain place in life where these things can be experienced more directly. They are not simply an identification or a definition. They’re a moving experience. They’re […]
What Does Religion Really Ask of You?
Religion has become a palliative. It has become a distraction more than an illumination. It has become something that people use to run away from the world to seek comfort and consolation instead of a preparation to engage in the world in a greater and more profound way. You are asked to receive, not to […]
What is Your Higher Self?
Your Higher Self is not a greater individual. It is part of the fabric and matrix of life operating in time and space. It is associated with a specific group, whom I call your Spiritual Family. Your Higher Self is not a greater individual. It is not a superego. It is intrinsically you, but […]
You Can’t Give Your Authority to God
You can’t give your authority to God. There is no spiritual welfare here. You can’t wait for God to tell you what to do. You have to claim this responsibility and become someone who’s able to function in the world and be of service in the world.
God Does Not Create Belief
God does not create belief. God does not create ideology. God only gives you wisdom and clarity and a high standard to live by. You are either able to adopt these things, or you are not. To adopt them, you must adopt them compassionately, without using them as a weapon to oppress others or […]
What is Needed to Survive Environmental Decline?
For nations to survive environmental decline in this world and increasing political and economic upheaval and difficulty, you will have to cooperate with each other. Instead of fighting, you will have to find ways to provide enough food, water and energy for the people of the world. That will be the prevailing and dominating need […]