What to Do if you are Experiencing an Awakening

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You must seek now a different kind of relationship with people who are undergoing a very similar process of awakening within themselves, people who are beginning to stir from a long and troubled sleep. You need them now to bear witness to the process that is happening within yourself. Your life is being stirred by […]

God Works Through Individuals from the Inside Out

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It is not enough to believe in God. It is not enough to adhere to the teachings of your tradition, if you have a tradition. It is not enough to follow the prescriptions given in the scriptures. These things do not guarantee the true life…

Wisdom Forgotten is Wisdom Lost

As we stand at the end of the year now, I encourage everyone to do a year-end review for yourself, tracking the important events in your life and in the world, to the extent you have chronicled that or can recall that. It is very important to know your own journey and to know the […]

Facing Suffering

Any true religious and spiritual pathway begins with suffering and is clarified by suffering. To begin this pathway, one must honestly face their own suffering without blaming others.

The Great Coordination: Following the Invisible Light

fireside broadcast 2018

Marshall spoke live to the Worldwide Community of the New Message on December 8, 2018: “The New Message is meant to speak to people a hundred years from now and 500 years from now. It’s not just for our time and at this moment…”

Will I Find My True Partner?

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People often ask, “Will I find a true partner for myself?” This is a very common and understandable question.

“Will I have true companionship?” It is possible, but first you must seek something more important, for true companionship arises out of your purpose in life.

“Who Am I? Why Am I Here?”

Who am I? Why Am I here?

Steps to Knowledge, is a spiritual practice that represents both a path to God and a path of contribution in the world. It engages you in solving the two most fundamental questions in life: Who am I? and Why am I here?

The Deeper Meaning of Christmas

real meaning of christmas

Christmas represents the emergence of Knowledge—the natural spiritual intelligence in the individual. This is exemplified in the life of Jesus, who beyond his own understanding even, a Greater Power emerged within him, overtook his life.

The Extraterrestrial Presence

ET Presence teaching

Intervention is occurring in the world and has been here for decades—seeking to take advantage of human weakness, human assumption, human expectation— an Intervention by small exploratory extraterrestrial groups who are powerful in the powers of persuasion.

Is There a Plan for My Life?

You came into this world with a plan intact for who you are to be here, what you are to accomplish, and the most important people you must find, meet and engage with. That blueprint is within you; it is indelible; it is immutable. You can fail to find it, but you cannot change it. […]