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You are entering a time where great forgiveness must be exercised and where a new understanding of forgiveness must be presented and emphasized and supported. People think often that forgiveness is merely overlooking a problem, or saying a problem is not important, or saying that it really was all for the good, what has happened before. But none of these arguments are really correct or honest.
Terrible things happen to people. Disappointment is a part of life. Many things do not work out. Many people suffer from events over which they have no control or responsibility. You cannot say this is not important. You cannot say it does not matter. You cannot really say it was all for the good if you are really being honest with yourself and objective concerning the situation.
Forgiveness really is something else than a kind of pardon that you give to people out of sympathy for them: “Well, I will be noble and pardon you even though I still think you are guilty.” That is not forgiveness. That is a kind of self-validating, self-ennobling process that you do primarily for your own benefit.
Forgiveness requires a recognition of another and their humanity. Of course, humanity is fallible, and you can excuse human behavior on this alone, but really it is feeling another person’s condition. Here compassion arises naturally when you recognize the humanity and the reality of another person or a whole nation of people. If you find yourself having a critical or condemning attitude towards a nation of people or a group of people, you should go visit them and talk to them and hear about their experience and understand why their point of view has arisen given their circumstances and their history.
It is easy to condemn, but it takes real work to understand. It is easy to dismiss others, label them, reject them, cast them away, or consider them worthy of punishment. That is easy. That is following the voice of condemnation within yourself. But to really understand someone else and their circumstances, that is difficult.
Not forgiving your parents is a very good example of this. If you really understood the conditions of their life and their upbringing, you would not be so quick to condemn them or dismiss them or label them or disassociate from them. Understand the circumstances of their life and their history, and you will begin to see that if you were placed under similar circumstances, you would likely respond in much the same manner.
People condemn because they do not recognize others, and they are too lazy or indolent to find out about others. They want to rest upon their judgments, their attitudes, their beliefs. They want the failure of others or the problem with others to reinforce their attitudes and their beliefs, so their condemnation is a kind of self-validation even though it really is a denial of their true nature.
So forgiveness has to start with recognizing the humanity of others and exerting the effort to understand why people do what they do, what drives people to do things that are even wicked or tragic. And when you see that you have that same potential within yourself, you become more circumspect, and you are able to withhold condemnation. Truly there are rulers and dictators who are cruel and oppressive and easy to condemn, and you would censure them in the end even if you understood them. But you would be not so quick to go to war against them, for the well-being of their people.
In the future, facing Great Waves of change, certain leaders will try to take your nation to war to divert attention. To redirect the population’s dissatisfaction and anger and frustration, certain leaders will try to take the nation to war. They will create a new enemy and emphasize the danger of that enemy. They will try to frighten the people, thinking that this enemy really is out to destroy them and you must fight them; you must unite to fight them.
But with few exceptions, this is a ploy. This is a deception because these leaders want to divert public dissatisfaction away from them and onto someone else and appear to be a strong leader with the people’s welfare at heart. And they will speak to people’s condemnation, resentment and rejection of others. They will exploit the unforgiveness that resides to such a great extent in the minds of people.
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