Resources, Environment and a New World Reality
“Resources. Environment. In a new world reality, this is what really matters. Political theory and economic theory are all based on the stability of the
“Humanity faces its greatest trials, its greatest dangers in a declining and depleted world. It faces now its greatest opportunity to finally cooperate beyond all the divisions of history, culture, religion and politics. It has this one great chance to unite to restore the world and to assure humanity a safer future than its past.
But I tell you it cannot do this without the power of God and the Revelation that God has sent into the world now to prepare humanity for the Great Change that is coming; a Great Change in the environment of the world and the economic realities of the world, a Great Change in the relations between nations, a Great Change that can undermine and disintegrate human civilization or a Great Change that can unite a diffractive humanity; unite it now for its preservation, unite it now because everyone in the world faces the same challenge.”
– Marshall Vian Summers, The Precipice
“Resources. Environment. In a new world reality, this is what really matters. Political theory and economic theory are all based on the stability of the
All of us have been sent into the world at this time to be in the world under the very circumstances that we’re experiencing now.
Resources. Environment. In a new world reality, this is what really matters. Political theory, economic theory is all based on the stability of the environment
The key thing here, the most important thing beyond any other thing we do for the world, is to know what you must do and
The great fire storms of the world, the great hurricanes of the world, the changing climate and weather patterns of the world—we’ve changed this world
Many people out there have felt the approach of great change in the world, felt disturbed by it, concerned by it, concerned that people around
Marshall Vian Summers has released a new, never before heard teaching called “The Upheaval,” and during the month of September, he invites you to study
The world is a hospital full of sick people. And when you’re in the hospital, you don’t get angry for the people being sick; you
To be stable in a changing world, you have all four of these Pillars: Relationships; Health; Work; Spiritual development, which is really your connection to
Reality is everything that is happening beyond your thoughts and beliefs. No matter what you think, that’s all happening. And to get real in the
Your assessment must be ongoing; it’s not like a once in a while thing. And if you’re going to navigate a radically changing world, you
Many people out there have felt the approach of great change in the world, have felt disturbed by it, concerned by it, concerned that people
The journey to a greater service means that you’re called to give something, not necessarily what you want to give, but what the situation calls for from you.
The change that must be forged in the next century and indeed in the centuries to come—for it will take several hundred years to bring
The crisis can be experienced if you ask yourself: “Am I living the life I know I was meant to live? Am I living the life I know I was meant to live? Or am I being consumed by the world?” People who are really suffering are living this crisis.
How will climate change impact people? Humanity is changing the chemistry of the Earth’s climate to such an extent that the world must adapt to
Up until maybe 20 years ago, there was legitimate UFO research. But most of that research has been overtaken by conspiracy theories, which again turns
Before great events happen, there are signs. There is build up. Even if it is an earthquake, and it cannot be predicted, within yourself you
For nations to survive environmental decline in this world and increasing political and economic upheaval and difficulty, you will have to cooperate with each other.
We’re facing something that has never been faced by the people of the world as a whole before. And we’re all facing it. The world
I see conspiracy going into another level of generalization blindly denying the validity of governments and leaders and human institutions. I think this is very dangerous and unfortunate because…
Humanity’s greatest moments are when it collaborates in the face of crisis. An earthquake in a country, a great flood in a country: nations provide
We’re losing the livability of our environment. In many parts of the world, it will become too hot for people to live there. Where
Have you ever asked yourself, “Why am I really here?” Perhaps in a moment of sadness, a moment of introspection or a moment of great
The change that must be forged in the next century and indeed in the centuries to come—for it will take several hundred years to bring
You are living in a dynamic world and in a dynamic universe. The world today is a different world than even your parents experienced, and
Spiritual Preparation for the Great Changes Ahead The great change that is coming to the world has everything to do with our spirituality. Our spiritual