The Beginner’s Mind: Finding What is Essential
We have to approach this as beginners, no matter how much spiritual teaching you’ve responded to or been involved in, how much reading you may have done. This requires a beginner’s mind because you’ve never really been on this mountain before. We have to approach this as beginners, no matter how much spiritual teaching […]
The Danger of New Age Thinking
You know, a lot of New Age thinking is very much from the [alien] Intervention. The idea that everything happens for a purpose—you never read that in any kind of religious teaching from the past. Where did that come from, that everything happens to you happens for a purpose? This excerpt is taken from […]
The Alien Agenda as Revealed by Humanity’s Allies
The Allies of Humanity are made up of individuals from several different worlds. Each of these worlds was overcome by intervention and in each of these worlds that had to fight for their freedom to regain their own sovereignty at great cost to their populations. This excerpt is taken from an interview with Marshall […]
Humanity Must Oppose Aliens on Earth
Look at the history of intervention in our world. What happened to the native peoples who could not see or discern who was coming over the horizon in their tall ships?
Enlightenment is not a Gift from ET Contact
Many people want to feel that the universe is a better place, that with technology comes enlightenment, higher ethics, higher standards. But we know from our experience here on Earth that is not the case at all.
What Is Your Spiritual Development For?
It is necessary to understand that our spiritual development is tied directly to the evolution of the world. What is happening within you is directly connected to what is happening in the world.
Have You Made Mistakes in Life?
Do not cast away any aspect of yourself or of your life but bring it into meaningful engagement. In this way, nothing is destroyed and everything is re-employed. Instead of bemoaning your losses or condemning yourself for your errors, you use what you have learned to help others and to gain character, depth and capacity. […]
The Three Stages of Knowing
Said very simply, and this is an oversimplification, but there are three stages of knowing. One is recognizing the sign or the impulse. The sign may be on the outside; the impulse may be on the inside. You recognize something that really stands out; it’s not ordinary. It’s not your usual thing to recognize.
What is Sacred?
It is time now to speak of the Sacred—what is truly sacred, what must be revered, what must be recognized—and to see how it is very different from the things that are considered sacred and held to be sacred by many people. For what is sacred cannot be touched. It cannot be named. It cannot […]
Significant Anxiety Is a Sign
Before great events happen, there are signs. There is build up. Even if it is an earthquake, and it cannot be predicted, within yourself you will feel the signs. You will feel caution and fear without being able to identify its cause. You will feel unsettled. And if that occurs, you must set yourself down […]