Why is Religion Important?
Religion is important, particularly in giving people a beginning structure within which to work, which includes a spiritual practice, a spiritual understanding, hopefully a very beneficial way of looking at the world a new understanding of yourself and the fact that you’re here evolving spiritually, that you’re not merely a sinner that is trying to please God so you’ll be saved.
Using a Greater Power to Take Decisive Actions
There is a greater power living within you. This greater power needs to be utilized for decisive action, action that will move your life in the direction it is destined to go.
Most of our Authentic Learning is Happening within Relationships
The majority of our authentic learning is happening within the realm of relationships. By ourselves, we can only do so much, for we cannot see ourselves totally or clearly.
Living in Separation While Still Connected to Heaven
Part of us is living in separation in the sensory world—the world we can see and hear and touch—and part of us is still living connected to Heaven, a timeless Creation.
The Crisis: Getting Consumed by the World
The crisis can be experienced if you ask yourself: “Am I living the life I know I was meant to live? Am I living the life I know I was meant to live? Or am I being consumed by the world?” People who are really suffering are living this crisis.
Realization Doesn’t Mean Anything if it Doesn’t Lead to Movement
https://youtu.be/XeA5rfxG-HM In this teaching from the 2019 Steps to Knowledge vigil, Marshall discusses how spirituality is more about movement in life than having high spiritual experiences. Marshall expresses how following an invisible light, the mystery of your life, and taking the steps to move your life in a true direction represents a real test of […]
Relationships Are What You Can Do Together
So fundamentally, relationships are what you can do together—not the glory of recognition, not the intoxication of romance. It’s what you can do together. That’s what’s going to make or break your relationship. I don’t care what the initial attraction was. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=S9Gp2NaHeGU In this August 2019 teaching by Marshall Vian Summers, in Boulder, Colorado, Marshall talks […]
Find Your Destiny and Higher Purpose, then Relationships Will Come
Instead of having a relationship determine where you need to go and what you need to do, you need to find out where you need to go and what you need to do, and that will determine the kind of relationship that would be appropriate for you. Otherwise, the cart is before the horse. https://youtu.be/3RCtz1PsymY […]
How to Consider a Relationship with Another
To consider a relationship with somebody, you would really want to know how they respond to failure, challenge and disappointment, wouldn’t you? Because that’s what you’re going to be dealing with every day. Because otherwise, people meet and it’s all about looking good and trying to impress and trying to be what the other person […]
Your Purpose Is Not What You Want To Do
Purpose is not what you want to do. It isn’t what you want to do. “Oh, I’ve always wanted to do this,” to follow your bliss, right? Well okay. Purpose is what life calls out of you to do more innately. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hDF6bENpQ7s Marshall Vian Summers here speaks about how important being in reality is for […]