How to Deal with Great World Change

great world changes

Many people out there have felt the approach of great change in the world, have felt disturbed by it, concerned by it, concerned that people around them are not responding or don’t seem to want to know anything about it. Are you stirred by what you see happening in the world? Are you feeling a […]

The Problem of Ambivalence

the problem of ambivalence

Ambivalence is the thing that deflates you. It’s where the lights go out in you. It’s where you stop. Not sure. How do I know? What do I do? Where do I go? As if something would have to be so perfect for you to choose it that otherwise, you just are kind of neutralized. […]

You Need Greater Strength for a World of Great Changes

greater life

You Need Greater Strength for a World of Great Changes Facing a world of tremendous change and upheaval will require a greater Intelligence to guide you, a greater strength within you that is beyond you, but that you are a part of. It will require fortitude and compassion and patience. It will require that you […]

From Independence to Interdependence

from independence to interdependence

We all start out being dependent as infants, children, young adults. Some people never grow out of that; then their relationships are based on dependence. They may not like who they’re with; they may not like what they’re doing, but they’re dependent. Marshall Vian Summers discusses the stages of dependence, independence and interdependence, with […]

The Journey to Greater Service

Called to Greater Service

The journey to a greater service means that you’re called to give something, not necessarily what you want to give, but what the situation calls for from you.

Pure Religion is Based on Experience not Ideology

pure religion is experience not ideology

Pure Religion is really an arena of resolution because when you see that real spirituality and religion is based on experience and not on ideology, not on belief—belief does play a role, but it’s only to be helpful, not to be the ultimate because there are no ultimate beliefs.

Why Is War Waged in the Name of Religion?

Why Is War Waged in the Name of Religion?

Why Is war waged in the name of religion? Why does religion become what it has become over time? And even in present time, where in certain parts of the world there is real war waged in its name? We’re still living in this religion-as-war state.

Why is Religion Important?

why is religion important?

Religion is important, particularly in giving people a beginning structure within which to work, which includes a spiritual practice, a spiritual understanding, hopefully a very beneficial way of looking at the world a new understanding of yourself and the fact that you’re here evolving spiritually, that you’re not merely a sinner that is trying to please God so you’ll be saved.