God Has Never Left You
This is how God restores you, gives you clear eyes, freedom from the past. This is how God cleanses your mind and your heart and shows you a way out of your dilemmas, no matter how deep set they may seem to be. This is how God moves through your life and in your life, […]
See Yourself as Heaven Regards You
How God regards you is so very different from how you regard yourself and others. And throughout the Revelation is this regard for you, that you’re really worth something, that you’re really important, that your life is a meaningful event, with a purpose and a destiny. https://youtu.be/u85SnxAfVSk Marshall gives a wisdom teaching on seeing yourself […]
What are Changing Weather Patterns Telling Us?
The great fire storms of the world, the great hurricanes of the world, the changing climate and weather patterns of the world—we’ve changed this world so much. And now it’s beginning to respond in ways that are really unpredictable and tend to be very extreme—extreme heat, extreme cold, extreme moisture, extreme drought. This is affecting […]
Being Disturbed by Great Change in the World
Many people out there have felt the approach of great change in the world, felt disturbed by it, concerned by it, concerned that people around them are not responding or don’t seem to want to know anything about it. Big signs from the world. I’m not talking about subtle things here. I’m talking about crushing, […]
New Teaching Just Released: The Upheaval
Marshall Vian Summers has released a new, never before heard teaching called “The Upheaval,” and during the month of September, he invites you to study it, alongside him, with a personal Study Guide offered below… Keep a Study Journal (free registration required) as you go, highlighting the most important passages of this revelation and noting […]
Real Humility: The Deep, Hidden Strength
To me, humility can be defined as a deeper hidden strength, not a behavior, not an attitude, not an appearance, not a performance, not a mask. A deep hidden strength. Marshall Vian Summers teaches about the difference between false humility and the real meaning of the word. This excerpt is taken from 2016 Steps to […]
What You Serve and Why You Serve Is All that Matters
There are three elements to what really matters, essentially, when you boil everything down: what you do, what you serve and why you serve. What you went through along the way—the peaks, the valleys, the wonderful moments of realization, the deep pits of despair, confusion, anxiety, recklessness, self-destruction—in the end, it matters what you do, […]
Sharing Our Authority with God
God gives you authority over your affairs, yet God has authority over your direction. So the authority is shared, you see, at different levels. And this is very confusing for people because they think either they have to take charge of everything or they just give up all authority and let God guide them. And […]
What’s Holding You Back Are People, Work, Place and Things
What’s really holding you back are people, work, place and things. You have relationships with all these things that are very predominating in your life. Of course you feel all these internal factors. But trying to work out your internal factors alone is not going to resolve your problem. https://youtu.be/jejZZMP6usQ Marshall teaches the four things […]
The Process of Unburdening for True Freedom
So the process of unburdening is about letting go of things that are unnecessary, harmful or meaningless. Many activities that we do physically and many processes of thought we have are harmful to us, degrading. Why would you ever take any action that would lower how much you value yourself? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RvVcsLj6BDg Marshall Vian Summers discusses […]