Resources, Environment and a New World Reality

Resources, environment and a new world reality.

“Resources. Environment. In a new world reality, this is what really matters. Political theory and economic theory are all based on the stability of the environment and resources. It’s the ground we stand upon. It’s the air we breathe. It’s our ability to function in every moment of life.” ~ Marshall Vian Summers   Watch […]

Why the World Needs You

Why the world needs you

All of us have been sent into the world at this time to be in the world under the very circumstances that we’re experiencing now. That doesn’t mean these are pleasant circumstances or easy circumstances, but that is the greater context for us being here. See, this is why the world needs you. It doesn’t […]

Our Natural Environment and its Impact on Freedom, Resources and War

Freedom and our Environment | Marshall Vian Summers

Resources. Environment. In a new world reality, this is what really matters. Political theory, economic theory is all based on the stability of the environment and resources. It’s the ground we stand upon. It’s the air we breathe. It’s our ability to function in every moment of life.  The New Message gives us a very […]

How to Know What You Must Do

Know What You Must Do and Do It | Marshall Vian Summers

The key thing here, the most important thing beyond any other thing we do for the world, is to know what you must do and do it, starting with little things and then taking on bigger things. Marshall Vian Summers speaks about building the strength to face unprecedented global change, and how to find the […]

What are Changing Weather Patterns Telling Us?

weather patterns are changing

The great fire storms of the world, the great hurricanes of the world, the changing climate and weather patterns of the world—we’ve changed this world so much. And now it’s beginning to respond in ways that are really unpredictable and tend to be very extreme—extreme heat, extreme cold, extreme moisture, extreme drought. This is affecting […]

Being Disturbed by Great Change in the World

Great change in the world

Many people out there have felt the approach of great change in the world, felt disturbed by it, concerned by it, concerned that people around them are not responding or don’t seem to want to know anything about it. Big signs from the world. I’m not talking about subtle things here. I’m talking about crushing, […]

New Teaching Just Released: The Upheaval

Upheaval teaching

Marshall Vian Summers has released a new, never before heard teaching called “The Upheaval,” and during the month of September, he invites you to study it, alongside him, with a personal Study Guide offered below… Keep a Study Journal (free registration required) as you go, highlighting the most important passages of this revelation and noting […]

The World is a Hospital in Need of Service

The world is a hospital

The world is a hospital full of sick people. And when you’re in the hospital, you don’t get angry for the people being sick; you just acknowledge that they’re in that hospital because they are sick. So it really changed my expectations to accept that people are ill in varying degrees—some people obviously very ill; […]

Functional Spirituality in a Changing World

functional spirituality

To be stable in a changing world, you have all four of these Pillars: Relationships; Health; Work; Spiritual development, which is really your connection to Knowledge. In its essence, that’s what creates stability. And you’re only as stable as the weakest of any one of those Pillars. Marshall Vian Summers teaches functional spirituality and […]

Thoughts and Beliefs Are Not Reality


Reality is everything that is happening beyond your thoughts and beliefs. No matter what you think, that’s all happening. And to get real in the world is to be with reality. And there are people who can just reveal more reality to you then you can reveal to yourself. And so your sources of information […]