Resources, Environment and a New World Reality

Resources, environment and a new world reality.

“Resources. Environment. In a new world reality, this is what really matters. Political theory and economic theory are all based on the stability of the environment and resources. It’s the ground we stand upon. It’s the air we breathe. It’s our ability to function in every moment of life.” ~ Marshall Vian Summers   Watch […]

Humility is Not a Behaviour

Humility is not a behaviour

“To me, humility can be defined as a deeper hidden strength, not a behavior, not an attitude, not an appearance, not a performance, not a mask. A deep hidden strength.” ~ Marshall Vian Summers   More from Marshall on “real humility”.

Resource Wars, Destabilized Climate and the UFO Connection

Resource Wars, Destabilised Climate and the UFO Connection

The condition of the world has actually brought visitation and Intervention here. Why? Because worlds like ours are so rare in the universe. Beautiful terrestrial planets with a grand diversity of life in a universe of barren worlds—my goodness. So certainly, when this begins to happen—and this happens perhaps often when technological races begin to […]

Why the World Needs You

Why the world needs you

All of us have been sent into the world at this time to be in the world under the very circumstances that we’re experiencing now. That doesn’t mean these are pleasant circumstances or easy circumstances, but that is the greater context for us being here. See, this is why the world needs you. It doesn’t […]

You Have a True Purpose in Life ~ a Journey of Destiny and Deeper Meaning

It’s so important that we can begin to consider that we have a true purpose in being in the world, not a purpose that we invent for ourselves but that lives within us, kept safely deep within us by a greater Intelligence, the Intelligence that we have brought with us into the world.’s so important that […]

Our Natural Environment and its Impact on Freedom, Resources and War

Freedom and our Environment | Marshall Vian Summers

Resources. Environment. In a new world reality, this is what really matters. Political theory, economic theory is all based on the stability of the environment and resources. It’s the ground we stand upon. It’s the air we breathe. It’s our ability to function in every moment of life.  The New Message gives us a very […]

How to Know What You Must Do

Know What You Must Do and Do It | Marshall Vian Summers

The key thing here, the most important thing beyond any other thing we do for the world, is to know what you must do and do it, starting with little things and then taking on bigger things. Marshall Vian Summers speaks about building the strength to face unprecedented global change, and how to find the […]