The World Has Changed. What Do We Do Now?
You are living in a dynamic world and in a dynamic universe. The world today is a different world than even your parents experienced, and it is changing quickly. It is changing so fast that people cannot even keep up with it. Humanity is entering a time of great change and difficulty, a time when […]
What Unites Us
What matters in living in the world is stability and service and inspiration, problem solving, destiny—things of this nature, all of a higher order, not products of personality or the desire to be unique and special and separate. These are all the product of what unites people, gives them the opportunity to relate to each […]
Do You Have a Relationship with Life in the Universe?
Look at the stars in the sky, and ask yourself, “Why am I so drawn to this? Why is this of interest to me? What is my connection to life beyond this world?” You have a greater relationship with life beyond your world. You have this greater relationship because it represents both your future and […]
How Do You Find Your Way in the World?
Your purpose here is not self-created. It was given to you before you came. It was given to you by your Spiritual Family beyond this world. People often wish to remain in speculation and fantasy because it seems they have so many options available to them. They say to themselves, ‘Well, any way that I […]
What is the Importance of Practicing Stillness?
Developing stillness is one of the essential qualities in healing, in spiritual evolvement and in practical problem solving. To achieve any degree of stillness or depth within yourself, there must be greater simplicity in your life. Getting to a place of stillness is even more important than the result, for in achieving this you […]
Spiritual Preparation for the Great Changes Ahead
Spiritual Preparation for the Great Changes Ahead The great change that is coming to the world has everything to do with our spirituality. Our spiritual nature, our spiritual purpose and our spiritual intelligence all have a direct bearing on our ability to discern the Great Waves of Change that are coming and to have the […]