The key thing here, the most important thing beyond any other thing we do for the world, is to know what you must do and do it, starting with little things and then taking on bigger things.
Marshall Vian Summers speaks about building the strength to face unprecedented global change, and how to find the inspiration and determination “to know what you must do, and do it.”
At some point, we’ll stop hiding and running and avoiding, seeking escape or thinking we can be at peace all the time, when in fact, there’s the unfinished business of our life, which is the journey we must take, the strength we must find, the preparation we must undergo.
And the key thing here, the most important thing beyond any other thing we do for the world, is to know what you must do and do it, starting with little things and then taking on bigger things.
Having grand ideas, great schemes, a fantasy of going off and living in the country, or growing your own food, or, you know, inventing some gadget that’s going to save the day, this will never build the strength that you will have to have to face what you really honestly can’t face right now.
So in the face of the Great Waves of Change and humanity’s emergence into a universe of intelligent life, God has sent us Steps to Knowledge as the preparation, the core preparation. We think we need technology, we need political will, we need social change, we need…God sends Steps to Knowledge. Maybe God knows more about it at this point than we do.
So this is the gift we have in our hands. This is why we’ve been called here. We come for peace, happiness, resolution, stability, and these things are given to us to a certain degree, but really this is a greater calling here. And Knowledge within us knows this is our calling. Any avoidance or delay is simply time lost, time wasted when we have so little time.